
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Get not free apps for iphone for free

As you know there are days/period when not free apps are free. You cant see/find them with standard apps store.

After searching good application which will track all new apps or changes on other apps which already is in store i stopped on the one - Appsfire.

With the app i saved a lot money. All i do is check everyday for great free apps.
Also you have ability to find apps which at the moment not free but price is dropped.

All i recommend is install the awesome app and track apps you like.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cant upload images to openx 2.8.10 [Solution]

To fix the problem all you need to edit folder in your openx directory

The folder is in www folder, so full path is:


Go to www folder and change chmod properties for folder images

set permissions to 777

save settings and you are done.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Joomla image problem Solution

The problem occurred while adding images on Joomla pages which has "Search Engine Friendly URLs" enabled.

First load shows images perfectly but after refresh it disappears., because of wrong image path. Even if you put full path, it removes domain path and leaves only default images path, Which is not right while SEF urls enabled.

Here is how to fix it ( Solution ):
1. Go to Gobal Configuration -> System -> Cashe settings
2. Change to "No"
3. Go to Plugin Manager. Search for System Cashe or Cashe.
4. Change Enabled to "No".
5. Done.

Full forums topic about this can be fount here:

p.s. joomla 1.5 or others like 1.5.15, 1.5.20 and so on..

Monday, September 24, 2012


To select random rows from your table with limiting how many rows to return. The easiest way to generate random rows in MySQL is to use the ORDER BY RAND() clause

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Account not in this store

"account not in this store" solution

The notification ( error ) appears while trying to install application from app store after i installed new iOS 6 on my ipod touch device ( can happen for iphone or ipad ).

Full message could look like this:
You account is not valid for use in the Polish store. You must switch to U.K. store.
You account is not valid for use in the Lithuanian store. You must switch to U.K. store.
You account is not valid for use in the store. You must switch to U.K. store.
with main title of notification - Account not in this store

To solve the problem follow the instuction:

Method 1

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to iTunes & App Stores
  3. Click on your Apple ID
  4. In poped up window click Sign Out.
  5. Fill your Apple ID and Password and press Sign In
  6. Done. Now you will be able to download applications from App Store

Method 2

Thanks to Ami Hauptman for method 2
  1. In Settings>Appstore> click on your AppleId
  2. Select "Show AppleId"
  3. Click "Country\Region", then "Change Country or Region"
  4. Select your country, then provide Credit Card info (typically you will only need the security code)
  5. Complete this process
  6. Go back to the AppStore. Should work fine by now

iOS Accessories

Need accessories for your ios device? Check this out

Monday, September 3, 2012

Disable code on specific Joomla pages

If you in trouble like me, and you cant fix problems which was created before you and you want to disable codes like mootools which was coded in index.php only on specific pages, so here is how:

1) Find index.php of your template
2) Find code which you want to disable
3) Check which component name of pages on which you want to disable code. In my situation it was - "com_hakishop"
4) Next add code lines:

if($option != 'com_hikashop') {
5) and close code with
5) Save file. Delete cache. Refresh site to check if it works.
6) Done.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Upgrading old Joomla to Joomla 2.5 version

Today it was forced to upgrade my joomla 1.5.15 to 2.5.6 version, so i write step by step my install history.

Do buckup of your site in case you get "white screen". i dont take any responsibility for your actions. Only you do. Sooo good luck to you.

One big notice: Your current template of 1.5 will not be compatible with 2.5! You will need to update it else get new one for 2.5.

Here how i made it:

1) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.15 to 1.5.16 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
2) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.16 to 1.5.17 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
3) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.17 to 1.5.18 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
4) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.18 to 1.5.19 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
5) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.19 to 1.5.20 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
6) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.20 to 1.5.21 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
7) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.21 to 1.5.22 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
8) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.22 to 1.5.23 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
9) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.23 to 1.5.24 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
10) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.24 to 1.5.25 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.
11) Upgrading Joomla from 1.5.25 to 1.5.26 by downloading zip file, uzipiing it, copying, pasting into project folder.

12) Register on to get access to jUpgrade plugin
13) Download jUpgrade installer as zip file, install it from extension manager.
14) Activate "mootools" from plugin manager. ( It is already installed; So all you need to do is activate it )
15) Go to jUpgrade, press "start upgrade" it. Wait.
If it stucks on "Checking and cleaning..." read 16 steps;
else skip to 17.
16.a) If you upgrading on your PC server go to your php folder and find php.ini and find #extension=php_curl.dll and uncomment it - delete "#"
16.b) If you upgrading on hosting where your site is, people suggests to add 0777 chmod for "jupgrade" folder in your root directory

17) If you stuck at "Error: zip file was not successfully downloaded":
17.a) Check if folder jupgrade exists.
17.b) Go to google and search for "Joomla 2.5";
Download latest version;
Copy zip file to "jupgrade" folder in your root folder and extract it there.
Open JUpgrade and go to settings;
Near "skip download" select yes;
Near "skip decompress" select yes.
Try to upgrade again.

18) Finish.

Support our help with flatter.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Joomla k2 joomfish elements translation

Yesterday and today i faced with problem in Joomla joomfish translation of joomla k2 elements.

While being in translation panel of joomla backend I couldn't find any of k2 elements for translation.

Solution for this is easy:

Please read #7 first

0) I suggest to do "backup" ( I used Akeeba backup )
1) Find same k2 version which you use, zip installer by searching it in internet
2) Download it
3) Than go to Extension manager of Joomla ( Backend Joomla -> Extensions -> Install / Uninstall )
4) Choose package file from browse for "Upload package file"
5) Select downloaded zip
6) Press "Upload file and install" button
7) After installiation you could miss some features which you might be changed before in k2 ( it happens whan you fix k2 code ( while doing it wrong way..., it shouldn't be happen if you do it right way by copying files to template folder to k2 html and so on.. ) ).
8) Now you should fine... and able to find k2 elements.

Good luck.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

htaccess file invisible on ftp

Once again i faced with this problem...

I have connected to ftp to edit htaccess file but it is invisible. I use PSPad Editor with ftp client support.

Here is how to fix

Invisible files on ftp in PSPad:
1. Edit your ftp connection
2. Check checkbox with text - "Show hidden files (must be supported by FTP server)"
3. Reconnect
4. Done.

Cureftp fixing hidden files:

1. Open CuteFTP and Enter Hostname , Username and Password.
2. Click Action tab in Settings
3. Click on Filter button
4. tick on Enable server side filtering
5. Enter -a in Remote filter
6. Click on apply & connect.

FileZilla fix to see invisible files:

For FileZilla 2,
1. Click on Settings.
2. Select Edit -> Settings -> Interface settings -> Remote file list
3. Tick check box syas Always show hidden files & press ok.

For FileZilla 3,
1. Click on Server from top navigation.
2. Click on Force showing hidden files at last option
3. Press ok when it shows warning.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

WARNINGcall_user_func_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string givenError in line 649

Today i faced with JCE joomla image manager problem. It was displaying all the time when i tried to insert or edit image.
PHP Error Message: WARNINGcall_user_func_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string givenError in line 649 of file /customers/
So here is how to fix it:
1) Go to /plugins/editors/jce/libraries/classes/plugin.php,2) You should see the line code:
$result = call_user_func_array( $func, $args );
3) Edit it to this code:
$result = call_user_func_array( $func, (array)$args );
4) Save and go insert / edit images!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

OpenX remove Trojan program HEUR:Trojan.Script.Iframer

So for last few days i was faced with the Trojan which was injected into OpenX.

So here is my guide how to remove it.

1. First of all create
`banners` copy like `banners_2` ( so it be backup if you will need it ).

2. Lanch the query to remove unwanted virus / trojan code snippets

UPDATE `banners` SET `htmltemplate` = '', `htmlcache` = '', `append` = ''
`htmltemplate` LIKE '%BrowserDetect%' OR `htmltemplate` LIKE '%function hex2a(hex)%' OR`htmlcache` LIKE '%BrowserDetect%' OR ` htmlcache ` LIKE '%function hex2a(hex)%' OR`append` LIKE '%BrowserDetect%' OR ` append ` LIKE '%function hex2a(hex)%')

Launch same query for zones table
UPDATE `zones` SET `append` = ''
`append` LIKE '%BrowserDetect%' OR ` append ` LIKE '%function hex2a(hex)%')

[EDIT end]

3. Do OpenX update to latest version ( 2.8.9 for current moment )

4. After you update your OpenX, lanch query at (2) for one more time.

5. At this stage you will need to clear cache or just wait to renew it by itself.. I didnt deleted it, so i cant tell you anything about how to do it. If you OpenX is huge i dont recommend you to delete it., better ask someone who knows anything about "grep" ( Google scan command? ).
Cache exists in var/cache/

6. After all this cleanings we still couldn't find the trojan by itself, but banners and zones position were infected from time to time...
Solution for this was to limit`append` field attribute length to '10' symbols. It helped us for now...
[EDIT end]

These are steps which we took and a bit more..

Hope it will help you. Good luck, you will need it.

p.s. a bit more information can be fount here:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Warning: Parameter 1 to IcemodMainMenuHelper::IcebuildXML()

For few days i had headache because of icemod menu which was installed in web site which i got zipped by Akeeba Backup tool based on Joomla.

Finally after many restores, i got notification in place where error appeared:
Warning: Parameter 1 to IcemodMainMenuHelper::IcebuildXML() expected to be a reference, value given in blah...blah...\libraries\joomla\cache\handler\callback.php on line 99
Googling the error i found solution for it:
1. Go to your Joomla files
2. Go to this directory \templates\...template name...\html\mod_mainmenu ( ...template name... - your template name )
3. Open to edit helper.php
4. Find line 31 with this code:
function IcebuildXML(&$params)
5. Delete "&" sign or replace the line with this one:
function IcebuildXML($params)

It helped me. Good luck you.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Multiple mysql insert quiery

i was trying to insert a lot ( 1.000.000 ) values into single table with single query, because inserting each value takes much longer time.

table looks like:

id , value

so solution is to create array with php of the values:

    $insert = array();
      $insert[] = "('".md5(rand(0,1000))."')";

and then executing the query:

$sql = "INSERT INTO `skelbimai` ( `value` ) VALUES ".implode(",",$insert)." ";

You might have problem with time limit. so i set up this limit:

Also you might have problem with memory_limit, so use it:
ini_set('memory_limit', '150M'); 

Good luck. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blockly - Google's programming language

Blockly is a web-based, graphical programming language. Users can drag blocks together to build an application. No typing required.
Blockly is currently a technology preview. We want developers to be able to play with Blockly, give feedback, and think of novel uses for it. All the code is free and open source. Join the mailing list and let us know what you think.
You can try to programm with Blockly by your self.
  • Maze - Use Blockly to solve a maze.
  • Code - Export a Blockly program into JavaScript, Dart, Python or XML.
  • RTL - See what Blockly looks like in right-to-left mode (for Arabic and Hebrew).
My result for Maze:

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Portal fan film

Click to tweet:

Aperture: Lab Ratt is a live action interpretation of VALVe's web comic 'Portal 2: Lab Rat' and follows the story of the schizophrenic hero behind the walls; Doug Rattmann.

Buy the Lab Ratt shirt here!

Aperture Science Radio by Ace Replicas

"In A Dream"
"I'm Not Here"
"SFHK (Mental Breakdown)"
"Back To The Start"
& "Halls Of Science 4 Cover" (
By johnny_ripper

"Something Strange"
& "And The Sky Opened Up"
By Matthew Mercer

Impress your friends! Get your very own Aperture Science Employee Identification Badge here

If you need to be caught up to speed, watch this,
read this,
& enjoy.

Created by Synthetic PictureHaus (Nick Celentano & Ryan Anthony Martin). 2012.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hacked twitter account passwords

Recently few days ago, hackers hacked twitter accounts and pasted part of it. - 34k of accounts.

Result, here is most common passwords which twitter users uses:


So, if you have one of these passwords, i suggest to change it for more difficult one.

Recursive drawing

Have you wondered how to draw this ones easy? It calls "Recursive drawing".

I made this one by my self in few minutes.
Recursive Drawing by artist Toby Schachman is a simple web app for creating images out of recursive shapes, in other words, shapes that repeat in a self-similar way.
Try yourself:
Recursive Drawing is an exploration of user interface ideas towards the development of a spatially-oriented programming environment.

Real Tracking and Shooting Portal Turret

I guess its first which I see... first pretty good looking IRL Portal shooting turret. 
This is the final project for my Advanced Mechatronics class at Penn State University. The robot is the skeleton of a turret from the game Portal that uses an IP webcam to track a target and fire nerf bullets at them. This is the current state of the robot as of 5/9/12, but I am currently molding a shell for the frame to make it look like the Portal turret, along with improving my code to make the tracking faster. All programming is done with MATLAB and Arduino. Enjoy!
P.S. Fount another one, but it is not shooting :<

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Portal 2 map creator

The idea is that Players will be able to create maps. And other players as you and me will be able to play the created maps in Portal 2.

The "Perpetual Testing Initiative" allows players to easily create, share, and play Portal 2 puzzles. The Initiative comes with a simplified puzzle maker that allows that creation of mind-bending puzzles without ever leaving the game.
"Perpetual Testing Initiative" will be available for the PC and Mac on May 8th.
Если вы есть ВКонтакте, то советуем подписаться на страницу Steam.
More information about map editor:

So lets see what will happen next...

Youtube source:

Portal 2 official web site:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New google service - Google drive

So if you haven't heard about it yet. Today launched new google service - google drive. Which provides storage service.

At the moment you will get 5 free gb storage for files, 10 gb for your gmail which you already have and one more gb for picasa images.

Url of the google service google drive: .

P.S. I didnt got access at first. All i could do is to request "Notify me" when my google drive will be ready.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Count divs in div with jquery

Solution for: We have several elements ( tags ) for example divs, in div or other object which can contain elements inside it with certain class or ID, and we want to count how many there are the certain elements. For example we have several divs:
<div class="div1">
JQuery counter for the divs inside the div is:
 var divs_count = $("#div1 > div").size();

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Disabled input with JQuery

We have in html inputs like text, radio, select and textareas.

In my situation i had radio inputs and i needed to create trigger which should effect other inputs ( disable them ).

My inputs:
<input name="order_type" type="radio" value="2" /><br />
<input name="order_type" type="radio" value="3" /><br />
<input name="order_type" type="radio" value="4" />
Other section which i want to disable:
<input class="viewspereach" name="text" type="text" value="" />

  function check_ordertype()
    var order_type = $("input[name=order_type]:checked").attr("value");
    if(order_type == 4)
      $(".viewspereach").prop('disabled', true);

      $(".viewspereach").prop('disabled', false);

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Filter Select options JQuery

Filtering select options jusy by inputting text into text field - "textbox" or other input type. You can do that by using jquery.

Demo with full code is here:


Friday, March 16, 2012

Diablo III Release Date

Finally greatest game of all time!!! only 2 months~ left.

59.99 €  for pre-order.
After many delays, Blizzard has finally announced the release date for the long-awaited action RPG Diablo III. It’s due out May 15th, 2012. The game is available for pre-order now.
That doesn’t mean D3 is finished, though. In a press release, Blizzard said, “We look forward to putting the final polish on Diablo III over the next two months.”
The company has removed PvP capability from the initial release in order to avoid further delays, saving it for a post-launch patch that will let players battle one another.

Time counter:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Click to open image! Joomla K2

Today i faced problem "Click to open image!". Its an text which appears in K2 Joomla item "Image gallery" over each photo.

I searched everywhere but couldn't find where this freaking text.

After successful search i found forums:'click-to-open-image!'/

Solution is to copy en-GB to your language folder this file

project_name\administrator\language\en-GB\en-GB.plg_content_jw_sigpro.ini ( this file )
project_name\administrator\language\lt-LT\lt-LT.plg_content_jw_sigpro.ini  ( here and rename it )


Good luck!

Timeline Cover Photo Dimensions

Facebook Timeline Cover Photo Dimensions is 850 x 315 pixels.
To get the best quality for your Timeline cover photo, be sure to create your image at 850 x 315 pixels. Your Timeline cover photo should be a strong representation of your brand like this one on the Butterfinger page.

Monday, March 12, 2012

How to remove duplicate values from an array in PHP

If you have duplicated values in array, and you wonder how to clean it.

Easy !

There is a function which solves the problem.

Function calls array_unique

$clean_array = array_unique($array);

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Microsoft Flight Free to play

Free to play Microsoft flight simulator!
Microsoft's Flight Simulator has long prodded gamers to splash out on hardware upgrades and insane joysticks. Like Madonna, it's reinvented itself for the 21st century as a single-named free-to-play game for those who want to zoom around the skies of Hawaii. The company will make its money by selling premium add-ons including new aircraft and "adventure packs." The game is now ready for download (at the source link) and, if it proves popular, Redmond should expect a nice gift basket from AMD and NVIDIA this Christmas.

We’re proud to open the hangar doors and present the future of flying on your PC. Whether you’re a complete newcomer to aviation or an experienced PC pilot, we believe you’ll enjoy flying with us. 
The release of Flight represents the culmination of three years of hard work and experimentation as we worked to reimagine the 30-year-old Flight Simulator franchise, push forward the evolution of the PC flying experience, and bring the thrill and wonder of flight to whole new audiences. 
There’s a lot to do in Flight’s version of Hawaii, from basic flight instruction to hunts for hidden Aerocaches, from experimenting with different aircraft to showing off your skills in aerobatic...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mind Controlled Skateboard

Mind Controlled Skateboard of the Day: Chaos Moon Labs broke new ground earlier this year with their Kinect-powered skateboard, the Board of Awesomeness, but now they’ve moved on to something even more awesome: a mind-controlled board that they call The Board of Imagination.

The Board of Imagination is powered by an on-board Samsung tablet running Windows 8, which is connected to an Emotiv headset.
Once the headset has been trained, the rider can focus on a point in the distance and think about how fast he wants to get there, and the board will do the rest.
The vehicle tops out at around 32 mph, and it has enough battery power to go around 10 miles at that speed.
Distractions are still a problem, though. The creators say the board was tougher to pilot in downtown Austin, TX, where the company is based, than it would be on an empty street. The mind-controlled board is much simpler to steer than the earlier Kinect version, though.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Facebook Identity Card

The FB Bureau is handing-out personal identification cards for a limited number of Facebook citizens, interested in alpha testing.
Next time someone needs to “see your ID” – How about showing a Facebook ID card instead of the documents your government gave you? On the web this is common practice for millions of people already. Therefore – Forget privacy.
Can I See your Facebook ID?
With more than 800 million users Facebook is the dominant identity system on the web. When signing-up for new services around the open web it's quite common to use Facebook Connect instead of creating a new user account. People stop ranting on blog comments because they only allow comments connected to your "real name" aka "Facebook Identity" (till the end of time). For the good or bad we are losing anonymity and Facebook Inc. is establishing order in this "world wild web" (for profit, not necessarily for the good of society).
Governments like Germany have released new passports that offer online identity checks as well, but they will likely never succeed with their technologies given the already existing structure of Facebook, powered by lazieness (or convience). The other way around though - A future where a Facebook Identity becomes more important than any governments' doesn't seem unrealistic. This possible future is already half-way there. What is exciting about this, what can be our role as artists and why should one even bother? Let's find out!
Next time someone needs to "see your ID" - How about showing a Facebook ID card instead of the documents your government gave you? On the web this is common practice for millions of people already. Therefore - Forget privacy. The user's next battle is about nothing less but who controls your identity, and we still might have something to say about it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Blizzard Downplaying Diablo III

Manager tells such thing. Its incredible! They say "don't take candy", but as we know the more you tell "don't", it becomes more desirable.
Blizzard Downplaying Diablo III of the Day: Blizzard’s Diablo III is one of the most-anticipated games of the year, and repeated delays have only made fans hungrier to get their hands on it.
One Blizzard community manager, Bashiok, is worried that there’s no way a game could live up to all that hype, so he’s taken to the forums to manage gamers expectations by telling them that Diablo III isn’t that awesome.
“Stop thinking about how awesome this game could be. Just imagine it’s a new M. Night Shyamalan movie. SureSixth Sense was amazing and Unbreakable had it’s moments, but this right here is the sequel to The Village,” Bashiok wrote.
Although he’s got a point — the hype for D3 may have created an impossible bar for the game to clear — it’s unusual to see a game company’s public relations team telling fans to be less excited about a new release.
Maybe the M. Night Shyamalan twist to this story is that Diablo III will be the most amazing thing Blizzard has ever created. Either that, or Deckard Cain was dead all along.
Barring any further delays, we’ll find out sometime in the second quarter of 2012
