
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Facebook smiles

Here is collection of all smiles which are possible in facebook.

Happy emote: :) or :-)
facebook smiley happy
Really happy emote: :D or :-D
facebook smiley sad
Sad: :( or :-(
facebook smiley crying
Crying emote: :’(

facebook smiley wink
Wink emote: ;) or ;-)
facebook smiley happy eyes
Happy eyes: ^_^
facebook smiley laughing eyes
Laughing eyes: >:o
facebook smiley cat smile
Cat smile: :3
facebook smiley grumpy
Grumpy: >:-(
facebook smiley shocked
Shocked emote: :o or :-o
facebook smiley glasses
Glasses emote: 8) or 8-)
facebook smiley cool shades
Cool shades: 8-|
facebook smiley rude
Rude: :p or :-p
facebook smiley woot
Woot?!: O.o
facebook smiley dork
Dork emote: -_-
facebook smiley duhhh
Duhhh emote: :/ or :\
facebook smiley devil
Devil emote: 3:)
facebook smiley angel
Angel emote: O:)
facebook smiley kiss
Kiss emote: :-* or :*
facebook smiley love
Love emote: <3
facebook smiley pacman
Pacman: :v
facebook smiley shark
Shark: (^^^)
facebook smiley robot
Robot: :|]
facebook smiley weird face putnam
Weird guy’s face: :putnam:

Other symbols which also can be "copy-pasted" into facebook

¢ – cent
£ – pound
¤ – currency
¥ – yen
€ – euro sign
§ – section
© – copyright
® – registered trademark
™ – trademark
° – degree – e.g. 45°
¹ – superscript 1
² – superscript 2
³ – superscript 3
· – middle dot
¸ – spacing cedilla
¼ – fraction 1/4
½ – fraction 1/2
¾ – fraction 3/4
¿ – inverted question mark
× – multiplication
÷ – division
• – bullet = black small circle
◊ – lozenge
℠ – Service Mark
✓ – check mark
✔ – heavy check mark
✕ – multiplication sign
✖ – heavy multiplication sign
✗ – ballot
✘ – heavy ballot
✝ – Latin Roman Cross
✞ – Latin Cross 3D shadow
✟ – Latin Cross outline
✠ – Maltese Cross
✡ – Star of David
❛ – quotation mark single turned comma
❜ – quotation mark single comma
❝ – quotation mark double turned comma
❞ – quotation mark double comma
℃ – Celsius
℅ – care of
℉ – Farenheit
№ – numero symbol – number sign
℗ – Sound Recording Copyright
℞ – Prescription Take pharmaceutical symbol
Ω – Ohm
℧ – Inverted Ohm
☀ – sunshine – sun
☁ – cloudy – cloud – dark cloud
☂ – raining – rain – umbrella
☃ – snow – snowman
☄ – shooting star
★ – star solid
☆ – star outline
☇ – lightning
☈ – thunderstorm
☉ – sun
☊ – ascending node
☋ – descending node
☌ – conjunction
☍ – opposition
☎ – phone
☏ – phone symbol outline
☐ – check box
☑ – check box check mark
☒ – ballot box with X
☓ – St. Andrew’s Cross
♔ – White King
♕ – White Queen
♖ – White Rook
♗ – White Bishop
♘ – White Knight
♙ – White Pawn
♚ – Black King
♛ – Black Queen
♜ – Black Rook
♝ – Black Bishop
♞ – Black Knight
♟ – Black Pawn
☚ – left-pointing index finger
☛ – right-pointing index finger
☜ – left-pointing index finger
☝ – upwards pointing index finger
☞ – right pointing index finger
☟ – downwards pointing index finger
☠ – skull & crossbones
☡ – caution sign
☢ – radioactive sign
☣ – biohazard sign
☮ – peace sign
☯ – yin & yang
☹ – frowning face
☺ – smiley face
☻ – black smiley face
☽ – waxing crescent moon
☾ – waning crescent moon
♈ – Aries
♉ – Taurus
♊ – Gemini
♋ – Cancer
♌ – Leo
♍ – Virgo
♎ – Libra
♏ – Scorpio
♐ – Sagitarius
♑ – Capricorn
♒ – Aquarius
♓ – Pisces
♠ – black spade suit
♢ – red diamond suit
♣ – black club suit = shamrock
♤ – red spade suit
♥ – black heart suit = valentine ( <3 )
♦ – black diamond suit
♧ – red club suit
♨ – hot springs
♩ – musical quarter note
♪ – musical eighth note
♫ – musical single bar note
♬ – musical double bar note
♭ – flat note
♮ – natural note
♯ – sharp note
✁ – cut above
✂ – cut here
✃ – cut below
✄ – scissors
✆ – public pay phone
✇ – film reel – tape spool
✈ – airport jet airplane
✉ – envelope mail email
✌ – victory sign
✍ – signature – sign here
✎ – pencil diagonal down
✏ – pencil
✐ – pencil diagonal up
✈♬☑ ☎ ☒ ☻ ♤ ☤☹♀ ✩✉ ✇♺✖♨ ❦☁ ✌♛ ❁☪ ☂✏♝ ❀ ☭☃☛♞ ✿ ☚ ♘✾ ☯☾☝♖✽ ✝☄☟♟✺ ☥✂ ✍♕✵ ☮☠ ❤☆ ★ ♫ ✔ ► Ω ッ ● ♣ ♪ ☼ ◄ ❥ ♂♀ ♪◘♠☻♣ ♦☺○ ¿ ❤ ☆ ★

Also meaning of the article could be like this:
Facebook smile, Facebook smileys, Facebook, Smileys, Facebook Smiles

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