
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Joomla template installation problems

Today for first time i tried to install new Joomla! template.

The problem is that i'm total noob at Joomla! And errors which i had was:

1. JFolder::create: Could not create directory
2. Error! Could not find an XML setup file in the package.
3. Your Extension appears to be written for an older version of Joomla!. You must enable the System - Legacy Plugin in the Plugin Manager if you wish to complete this task.
4. Template Install: Failed to create directory.
And so on..

So after 1 hour of power-googling for solutions i finally figured out how to solve them one by one:

First of all, some templates are bugged. You can check it by opening templateDesigh.xml file ( inside of templates zip file ). If it starts with install tag, that means it's bugged. All you need to do is to change install tag to mosintall tag ( don't forget about closing tag at end of the file ).

Secondly, when my first Joomla! was install, some how "tmp" directory wasn't created. So go and create tmp directory if you missing it too.

And finally last and most important solution which helped me is changing all directories of Help -> System info -> Directory Permissions, CHMOD from 755 to 777 .

Also you might have problems with Safe mode in Help -> System info -> PHP Settings, because it should be Off, and some guys has it On.

Good luck.

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