
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2 russian SEO books

2 Книги про СЕО(SEO) и по раскрутке сайта.
2 books about SEO tricks and about increasing traffic to your webpage

Download link:
E-book format: exe (seo.exe and ula.exe)
E-book language: Russian


  1. It is so good to have the links for these SEO books. Thanks my friend for this share. Even I am willing to learn these basic techniques for my business promotions. Along with SEO would also prefer learning the Google Adwords PPC Advertising so that can get high ranking as soon as possible. Can you share any learning resources for that as well?


  2. Return on Ad Spend, or ROAS for short, is the average conversion value you receive in return for every dollar you spend on your ads. The Target ROAS Bidding
    Strategy focuses on driving the highest value of conversions, rather than the most amount of conversions.

