
Friday, February 20, 2009

Increase traffic for your web page


All info is one the page:

so just go there :)

Traffic from Social Media Web 2.0 Traffic

Free Excerpt from my PDF guide on Facebook Marketing (Which is really UnMarketing, and that makes it FUN. ) [ Facebook UnHyped Networking for Traffic pdf excerpt|280 k]
What is Social Presence Marketing?
11 Reasons Why Facebook Rocks - The Shorter, One Page Version
Keyword Data for Social Networks
5 Popular Social News Sites That are Self-Promotion Friendly
Social Media and Bookmarking - Cure All for Traffic Problems or Another Over-Hyped Question Mark
Four Ways to Use Google to Be More Social with Your Visitors
Five Ways to Get More Out of Your PlugLife
Non-Traffic Social Media Extras for Better Understanding
Interview with PlugIM’s Ryan Knowles
Video - What is Web 2.0?
It Rubs The Lotion On Its Skin: Understanding the Difference Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 in Layperson’s Terms

Traffic from Article Marketing

Traffic Method #227 : Write Exclusive Content for Major Publications
Why Article Marketing Still Has Teeth as a Free Traffic Technique
Increase Your Web Traffic with these 7 Article Writing Tool
9 Reasons Why Articles Don’t Produce the Traffic and Sales They Should
Sales from Aricles Part One : Your Topic
Sales from Articles Part Two - Write Your Topic
Sales from Articles Part Three: Make Your Site Ready
Sales from Articles Part Four: How This Works
Sales from Articles Part Five: The Resource Box
How to Make Article Marketing Work for You
How to Make Article Marketing Work for You Part Two
LSI and Article Marketing
Using Article Marketing to Get On Google News
Traffic from Ezines

Introduction to Ezine Promotion
Audio Post on Increasing Credibility with Ezines
A Short List of Places to Promote Your Ezine
Traffic From Forums/ Discussion Boards/ Groups

Where to Find Forums
Why You Should Use (Not Abuse) Forums to Increase Your Traffic
Build a Successful Forum or User Generated Content Site with these 7 Community Building Tips
Google Groups | What’s New | Why Care
7 Steps to Increasing Your Web Site Traffic with the New Improved Google Groups
Traffic from Freebies

Traffic Method #228 : Host a Free Tool
Why Would You Want to Give Something Away Free?
The Right Way to Use Freebies to Entice
Audio About the Top Three Secrets to Using Giveaways as Promotional Vehicle
The Free T-Shirt
Traffic from Blogging

Technorati Traffic Quickie- Accompanied by Video
How Long Does It Take to See Traffic Results from Blogging?
That Tag and Ping Thing
[audio post] How Blogging Can Bring You More Traffic from Google
Increase Your Website Traffic with The Blog Virus - Part One
Increase Your Website Traffic with The Blog Virus - Part Deux
[audio post]How to Catch and Spread The Blog Virus : Part Three
Increase Your Traffic with the Blog Virus Part Four
Traffic Method # 225 : How to Get Better Traffic by Using Commenting to Form Relationships
Three Technorati Traffic Twist Tips
3 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic with FeedBurner
4 More Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic with FeedBurner
[audio post] 03.10.05 - Clip from Blog Optimization
“I Don’t Really Like to Talk About My Flare”
Keeping Blog Traffic
Where Does Blog Traffic Typically Come From?

More Blog Promotion Resources
Getting More Blog Traffic From Other Sites
Does How or When You Blog Matter?
How to use your blog to help you make more sales
Free Excerpt : Lucrative Keywords for Lucrative Blogging
Blog Traffic Methods And Blog References
More Visitors to Your Site Through Your Blog
Web Video for Traffic

Can Web Video Help Your Traffic?
Web Video | The Numbers Make Sense Part One,
Part Two
Web Video | Broadband Users will Want Broadband Content
Web Video Traffic | What About the TiVo Effect? Part One,
Part Two
Web Video Traffic | Blog of the Day More Web Video Traffic and Broadband Research Sources
Traffic Thursdays | How My Friend And I Ended Up On Chris Pirillo Live
Traffic Thursdays | The List of Video Sharing Site Lists
Traffic Thursdays | What Are Your Live Video Options If You’re Camera Shy?
Traffic Thursdays | 5 Reasons Why I Wish I Could Skip Straight To Live Video
Traffic Thursdays | Blog Post of the Day (Live Video Post from Marshallk)
Traffic Thursdays | Adsense Video Update
Web Video Traffic - Viral Video Tactics from the Article of the Day

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