
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nanotech Material Never Gets Wet, Even When Wet

Through the magic of nanotechnology (we use "magic" only ever so figuratively), chemists from the University of Zurich have developed a new fabric that never gets wet, even after being completely submerged in water for two months.

The fabric is constructed of polyester fibers that are covered in a layer of 40-nanometer-wide silicone nanofilaments. These nanofilaments are spiky and cause water to sit in a sphere above the fabric, a permanent pocket of air protected safely below.

Not only could the fabric create a self-cleaning clothing; it reduces drag in water by 20%. In other words, Michael Phelps could go without washing his bathing suit ever again—a prospect that's probably in mixed demand depending on the specific sexual orientation of the fan.

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