
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

ActiveSync 4.5 Error 0x80072f78 fixing

So i had this problem yesterday and after few Rom reinstalling / hard resets and so on.. i got nothing instead same error. The error appears while you trying to use internet on your device while you plugged in to pc and ActiveSync running.

So here how to fix it ( you will need to change registry on your PC, NOT! on PPC. because at first i tryed to do this on my ppc and yea... im stupid ;D, anyway ):
1) open notepad.
2) copy paste this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]
3) save this text like this: "likethis.REG"
4) now close notepad and doubleclick likethis.reg , if it opens like text that means you forgot '"' symbol while saving. else you will add AllowLSP to your registry and everything will be all right.
5) now go and use your internet mobile ;)

If the tutorial not helped, you can always check microsoft page for help [Also you can download newest activesync].


  1. I've tried for hours to get an Internet connection thru ActiveSync.

    Thanks... this page saved my day !

  2. nice to see that my blog helps ;)

  3. thanks, Roman. it solved my problem too. o2 orbit connect to laptop via usb cable with activesync 4.5

  4. no problem :) , gl with your o2
