
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Fiverr deletes negative reviews

Be careful with fiverr reviews. 

Today I faced with negative review deletion. There are ability to delete negative reviews ( don't know which side, but fact that it is not there ).

Long story short: As reseller I ordered from service provider and asked for specific requests. The requests wasn't done ( Client - always right? yeah... right,... not on fiverr ). 

For the second order I insisted for requirements to be met., in result i was insulted and my site was chased and bad reviewed.

Another strange thing i noticed is that once i tried to access offer from service provider , it says "That seller is no longer available". But if you check the offer in incognito, you will see it perfectly without any problems... ( almost - sometimes fiverr crashes )


In result if you had bad experience - its only your problem and fiverr doesn't wants to share the experience with other visitors - its bad for their reputation and money. Same as youtube's dislike button about to delete. Who wants bad thoughts when you can get only good ones....

p.s. Once we see all bad reviews on user thesibyl which insults clients, the post might be deleted.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Battlefield 1 on geforce now my experience

Why i write the post

I want to share my experience to attract EA managers and open their eyes about the experience there is on market.

Long story short

Bought bf1 on steam to play it on geforce now, but after several launches i can't play it , because EA 'shmesecurity' 'safes' me from hacks and doesn't allows me to sign in.


I love battlefield 1 - played it on ps4 and paid for EA play just to play F. ONLINE ( multiplayer ). Anyway, i can understand that they 'needs the money to cover support and servers costs' ( while pc gamers doesn't needs hmmm.... ) . But story not about that...
Once ( 1 oct 2021 ) geforce published that bf1 available - I bought without discout bf1 on steam and played like 2-3 times ( different launches ). 
Playing it on GN is pretty good... ( has small 0.1 ms lag - but the lag is acceptable ). 
But after 3rd launch i got error "Too many connections to the version of battlefield on your account.... blah blah blah". 

I started to investigate and try to fix the problem. 

After searching Big brother i found posts from 2020 and even 2019 about same issue. People suggests to change password / add email verification / google verification app .
With big problems like:
1. no emails about verification from EA side comes. 
2. not working google authentication barcode
3. Stupid verification before each verification, after you already verificated into account...
i made verification "On".

So, i though that i have possibility that the problems ended. BUTTTTT....
After trying to sign in you will get stuck problems like "connecting to origin" window, or no coming emails from EA, or same "too many connections".


As mentioned before, even forums posts are from 2019-2020 - which means the problem ignored ( from EA side ). Created ticket ( waiting for reply - "not our problem - it's security from hax0rs - who uses single account with one purchased game for multiple pcs" )

Geforce support - "not our problem - EA problem" . While advertising the EA games in geforce community. In result they will have more reports about the problem in future ( stuck support - lower quality of support - lower money .... and so on.. )

Cloud gaming

As could gaming progresses , i think the companies must adapt and add functionalities to make experience better.

Simple ( geforce ips white listing ) could solve such simple problem.

p.s. Received emails 1-2 hours later. ( reason? i guess alot of users tries to sign in into game )

EDIT 2021.11.04

Recently noticed that I finally can open game multiple times per day. Possible some fixed was made from their sides. Thanks for them if so...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

taskhost.exe what is ? camera access / internet access firewall blocked

 Today i faced the problem:

firewall blocked internet access for taskhostw.exe 

I tried to investigate what is it and why it wants internet access. 

After searching found some posts for asking same problem , but differently their exe tried to access camera, which triggered them to search for possible problem too.

In result i scanned pc with different malware cleaners with fixes as original dell autostarters and no other trojans as monero miners and so on..

I checked IP which was triggered to internet access - . After checking 'IP' , it turns out it is microsoft azure servers.

For now i agreed to allow internet access, but turned off frequence to diagnostics to report in windows settings to "never"  

Monday, March 15, 2021

BSOD etd.sys after install and reboot pc

Long story short.

After installing fresh windows, and first boot you install or not install anything on your pc, you restart pc and get blue screen of death with strange etd.sys message. 

I waste whole day for "solving" the problem. It's trick not solving.

Reason for the problem is that your touch pad is dead or connected in wrong way.

Hard way to fix that: 

  • unplug touchpad
  • fix touchpad
  • connect touchpad correct way
Easy way if your touch pad is dead for sure:

  1. Once you see repair screens , find commanad promt tab and open in
  2. Write commands to rename file: 
  3. Command 1: cd c:\windows\system32\drivers
  4. Command 2: ren etd.sys etd.sys.old
  5. now close promt window and restart pc
  6. once you see login window ( latests versions of windows asks  to create pin and forces you to enter the pin ) open from right bottom icons - "on screen keyboard" and press with mouse and enter your pin by pressing buttons with your mouse ( because that your keyboard will not work at  the moment ).
  7. Now navigate to c:\windows\system32\drivers\ and rename file back with mouse ( second mouse to open properties-> rename -> select bad naming of file and press cut )
  8. once it done, now you can reenable keyboard back . to do that -> go to "my pc" and go to properties ( second mouse button inside folder ) and select device manager.
  9. Disable / enable your keyboard under "keyboards" , try all.
  10. Now disable your touch pad under "mice and other pointing devices" ( mine was ELAN )