
Monday, September 23, 2013

Send highlighted text to Email Chrome extension

I was looking for extension for several days, but couldn't find it anywhere.

All i could find is tutorials how to make chrome extension and similar topic on stackoverflow with simple code how to make the extension.

So what i did.

  1. Learned some simple chrome extension tutorials
  2. Took the code from stackoverflow
  3. Created simple extension which uses external domain with file which sends emails.
You can download it here:

At first i have tried to make new tab with standart Gmail sender, but i failed at it. Because text in the case can be sent only by $_GET parameters, and Gmail has limits - about 2000 symbols. So it means max length of email is smaller than 2000 symbols.
Solution to this was to use external domain with sender.php.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

iphone 5 and iphone 5s difference

So here is few changes in iphone 5s generation. 
  • Camera is better
  • iOS7
  • A7 processor
  • New sensor home button ( swipe ability ) 
  • More in video

p.s. There is also iphone 5 c as parody video says
"cheap", and S as "same".