
Saturday, August 10, 2013

PSPad Scripts menu missing Solution

If you missing scripst menu in your pspad and same results after update / install, do this:

  1. Go to Settings -> Program settings
  2. -> Sistem integration 
  3. Enable option "Integrated scripting support (WSH)"

Good luck in your scripts, thanks for comments & likes <3 div="">

Monday, August 5, 2013

Accidental noindex recovery

One big site had mistakenly became full noindex. After few days it effected visitors count from google. Webmasters search queries went down. And other not funny things happened.

Main questions:

  1. Recovering from noindex effects ranking?
  2. How to recovery
  3. How fast it will recover
  4. What to do to faster recovery

1. Recovering from noindex effects ranking?

No, recovery from noindex doesnt effects ranking. ( at the moment ).

2. How to recovery

Remove noindex tag from all pages you want to get back to index.

3. How fast it will recover

From results which we have seen your site will recovery less than a week. 

4. What to do to faster recovery

  • Resubmit sitemaps
  • Fetch as google from webmasters tools of google for main URL with "URL and linked pages submission"
  • Fetch as google from webmasters tools of google for other parts of your domain with simple "Submit to index"
  • Post some articles on blogs for robots to index your page faster
  • Share main URL on social circles.
Some source articles which might help you as they helped us:
The article might have titles:
  • How to go back from noindex to index
  • Mistake of noindex
  • Recoverying from noindex site
  • Going back to index
  • Going back from noindex