
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Joomla image problem Solution

The problem occurred while adding images on Joomla pages which has "Search Engine Friendly URLs" enabled.

First load shows images perfectly but after refresh it disappears., because of wrong image path. Even if you put full path, it removes domain path and leaves only default images path, Which is not right while SEF urls enabled.

Here is how to fix it ( Solution ):
1. Go to Gobal Configuration -> System -> Cashe settings
2. Change to "No"
3. Go to Plugin Manager. Search for System Cashe or Cashe.
4. Change Enabled to "No".
5. Done.

Full forums topic about this can be fount here:

p.s. joomla 1.5 or others like 1.5.15, 1.5.20 and so on..

Monday, September 24, 2012


To select random rows from your table with limiting how many rows to return. The easiest way to generate random rows in MySQL is to use the ORDER BY RAND() clause

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Account not in this store

"account not in this store" solution

The notification ( error ) appears while trying to install application from app store after i installed new iOS 6 on my ipod touch device ( can happen for iphone or ipad ).

Full message could look like this:
You account is not valid for use in the Polish store. You must switch to U.K. store.
You account is not valid for use in the Lithuanian store. You must switch to U.K. store.
You account is not valid for use in the store. You must switch to U.K. store.
with main title of notification - Account not in this store

To solve the problem follow the instuction:

Method 1

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to iTunes & App Stores
  3. Click on your Apple ID
  4. In poped up window click Sign Out.
  5. Fill your Apple ID and Password and press Sign In
  6. Done. Now you will be able to download applications from App Store

Method 2

Thanks to Ami Hauptman for method 2
  1. In Settings>Appstore> click on your AppleId
  2. Select "Show AppleId"
  3. Click "Country\Region", then "Change Country or Region"
  4. Select your country, then provide Credit Card info (typically you will only need the security code)
  5. Complete this process
  6. Go back to the AppStore. Should work fine by now

iOS Accessories

Need accessories for your ios device? Check this out

Monday, September 3, 2012

Disable code on specific Joomla pages

If you in trouble like me, and you cant fix problems which was created before you and you want to disable codes like mootools which was coded in index.php only on specific pages, so here is how:

1) Find index.php of your template
2) Find code which you want to disable
3) Check which component name of pages on which you want to disable code. In my situation it was - "com_hakishop"
4) Next add code lines:

if($option != 'com_hikashop') {
5) and close code with
5) Save file. Delete cache. Refresh site to check if it works.
6) Done.