
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Joomla K2 watermark image

We need to edit file - item.php which exists in our administrator folder, full path:

first we need to define the variable:
$img_url_watermark = "../images/watermark.png"; //(line 202)

near the comment line
//Original image

Then we need to paste the lines after each image comment to which we want to add watermark (i recommand not to add to small and xsmall... images )
$handle->image_watermark = $img_url_watermark;
$handle->image_watermark_position = "TL";

Than we need to add the code:
//gallery watermark
if($dir = opendir($savepath.DS.$row->id)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
$handle = new Upload ($savepath.DS.$row->id.'/'.$file);
$handle->allowed = array('image/*');
$handle->file_auto_rename = false;
$handle->file_overwrite = true;
$handle->image_resize = ture;
$handle->image_x = 1024;
$handle->image_ratio_y = true;
$handle->image_watermark = $img_url_watermark;
$handle->image_watermark_position = "TL";
$handle->image_convert = "jpg";
$handle->jpeg_quality = 85;

After the code:

if (!JArchive::extract($savepath.DS.$handle->file_dst_name, $savepath.DS.$row->id)) {
$mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=com_k2&view=items', JText::_('Gallery upload error: Cannot extract archive!'), 'error');
} else {
$row->gallery = '{gallery}'.$row->id.'{/gallery}';

Its about 430~ line

That is all.... done :)

p.s. some sources where the solution was fount*WUL4Ep5eAy*opKr8s8KN4pt-DDD92wDPKlmNCmWeQd8msVcosqVIjDLKY3jJ-pZ*6PcJz56pR/diff1.gif*txNFL3oxugapDshDybYqwZ6pM1HRBera8DL7uZp5keDIc40jfg8UZf-SEvT3aVakQ35-yRj-RYTlZXBcGxHOa0R2gQPSkPN/diff2and3.gif*ZMCXk1aYFdbHTiKTrxNSCfUK97YXCGDhmGv7azhnkMQ1cnJp7EdCivLSbtwdV1HmnwnnjnleMveePM*1LS/diff4.gif

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mysql Table rows

Easiest way for me to check how many rows in tables of database is to use the query:
SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `database_name`
easy.. good luck

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Skype smiles newest 5.5 icons

0191-wfh-30px.png (wfh)
Thumbnail image for 0186-facepalm-30px.png(facepalm)
Thumbnail image for fingerscrossed_80.png (fingers)
Thumbnail image for tumbleweed_80.png(tumbleweed)
lalala_80.png (lalala)
0188-waiting-30px.png (waiting)
0193-highfive-30px.png (h5) or (highfive)


(devil) - devil
(wtf) - what the fuck

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Prestashop CMS block location header

Several days ago i faced with prestashop problem. I tried to hook right column cms block to header. But as prestashop developers says, that it was developed to hook only left or right side.

So here is my solution for this:

in global.css i changed right_column class position to relative and moved it up.

CSS looks like this after my changes:

position: relative;
left: 0px;
top: -200px;
width: 191px;
margin-left: 21px;
overflow: hidden

After this my center_column looked weird ( not full width ) and chaing it's width changes everything ( right_column drops down and starts to move... ). So i figured out this solution for the place: I changed center_column position to absolute, added padding-left so it dont overlay on left_column and added width which i was required from the beggining.

CSS looks like this after my changes:

position: absolute;
padding-left: 290px;
width: 810px;
margin: 0 0 30px 0;
overflow: hidden

Good luck with you prestashop hacking!