
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How to write vertical in OpenOffice

To write in vertical mode in open office, all you need to do is to 
1. select the text
2. properties -> character -> position -> rotation / scaling -> 90 or 270 degrees -> ok
3. done

Monday, August 2, 2010

PHP upload error: failed to open stream: Permission denied

The error appears when you upload file to folder which permissions don't allow you to upload files there.
To fix that, just change folder permission to 0777. Most of time folders permissions value is 0755 or whatever else.
0777 means everybody - owner, group and public can read, write and execute from this folder, using files from the hosting.
To change folder permission, i usually use firefox plugin - "FireFTP".

FireFTP plugin

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pull my finger joke

I'm going to explain how do i understand it.
That is not bad, that you don't understand it.
The joke is funny because one persons asks other to pull his fingers and because he pulling his finger he starts to fart... So that person which pulled finger CAN'T blame him that he farted. It much worser becomes to the person which pulled the finger, if they are not alone... all will start blaming the person which pulled the finger and not the guy which said the joke and farted.
To be honest the joke is a normal joke, as other ones... but it "hurts feelings". It shows disrespect to the person to which pulling finger joke was offered. So if you are person to which pulling finger was offered,... I better find better friends.