
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Google Story

Very cool video about Google.

Googlers in our London office put together this quick look at the history of Google for our 11th birthday in September 2009. Originally featured on the GoogleChannelUK.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Quake II old TV comercial

I'm fan of Quake2, so i couldn't post it.

This was a commercial for the N64 and PSX versions of the legendary computer game Quake II featuring an old movie projector, a frightened ferret, and a pretentious German named Gunter. Not to mention some subliminal messages!


Created in 1999.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What is browser

One guy from Google was pissed off by his mother when he was trying to explain what is a browser. So he decided to ask some of his friends. He figured out that his mother is not only who don't knows what browser is. So he was so pissed off that he created web site and even a video for the people who don't knows what browser is.

Learn what a web browser is by watching this 1 minute video.

Page the guy created: